Reputation Revolution
Reputation Revolution Podcast
How this Australian tax accountant uses video to build his professional profile & authority

How this Australian tax accountant uses video to build his professional profile & authority

Pat Mannix (aka 'The Tax Champion') unpacks his video marketing strategy, and explains that consistency is king when it comes to content creation

In this encore episode of the podcast, I chat with Pat Mannix, a partner in the Melbourne-based accounting firm, Paris Financial.

Pat is known as the ‘Small Business Tax Champion’; he uses video to share ideas, insights and value with his target audience, the small business community.

Pat's videos demystify legislation, unpack complex issues around all things tax, and provide savvy business tips and advice. Plus he doesn't mind delivering the occasional rant against multinational companies that don't pay their fair share of tax!

Authenticity is key!

But most importantly, Pat's content is the real deal.

Yes, it's valuable content for the intended audience - small business owners - but it's how he presents it that really resonates.

With Pat, what you see is what you get: he's a funny guy, and his personality really shines through in his videos. This is very welcome, given a lot of the subject matter is on the dry side!

The key to success is consistency

In this this podcast interview, Pat breaks down how he produces his videos, including the production schedule he adheres to and the technology used.

He explains the need to inject personality on-camera and why the key to content success is consistency (with some 180 videos to his name, Pat can now afford to take his foot off the accelerator a bit as his body of work speaks for itself).

Pat also discusses how creating content has given him (and his firm) visibility within small business circles, and how this has led to new business opportunities.

Pat has produced a ‘shedload’ of videos, so he's got it down to a fine art. But nothing would have happened had he not turned on the camera and had a go!

If you've been 'umming and aahing' as to whether you should be creating content but are starting to maybe overthink things to the point where nothing is getting done, you'll be inspired by this chat with Pat Mannix!


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Trevor 💪

P.S. You can check out the full playlist of Reputation Revolution podcast episodes here.

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