We talk often about content here on the Reputation Revolution podcast. Indeed, in pretty much every episode, content is mentioned somewhere, and rightly so, because it's such a critical part of building a thought leader brand today.
And 'content repurposing' also often gets regularly mentioned in dispatches, because it too plays a key role in personal branding.
But we haven't dedicated an entire episode to content repurposing ... until now!
In this episode, Sally A. Curtis and I go deep into all things content repurposing, covering:
What it is
Why it is so important
How to do it strategically
But it's not just a theoretical session! Sally and I provide heaps of practical examples of what content repurposing looks like, when done well.
Sally is a content repurposing specialist who works with speakers, authors, thought leaders, coaches, consultants and entrepreneurs.
She also hosts the Success Secrets Exposed podcast and video show.
Sally talks about her content repurposing framework ("amplification, transformation, and productisation"), plus we hear about her method for dissecting her clients' content to identify nuggets of gold - inspiring quotes, bite-sized rants and teachable moments.
Visibility & revenue
Content repurposing can help entrepreneurs, professional experts and thought leaders to not only raise their visibility ("strategic omnipresence" as I like to call it), but also generate additional revenue.
Sally reveals how she and her clients are creating additional sales by turning their old content into training programs and information products.
"Let's educate your audience. Let's inspire your audience. Let's inform the audience, let's help them make sense of their world." - Sally A. Curtis
Thanks for listening!
Trevor 💪
P.S. You can check out the full playlist of Reputation Revolution podcast episodes here.
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