Reputation Revolution
Reputation Revolution Podcast
207: Unleash your inner video star (using just your smartphone) with Julian Mather

207: Unleash your inner video star (using just your smartphone) with Julian Mather

This episode of the podcast looks at how non-digital natives can get the most out of video using nothing more than a smartphone!

This episode of the podcast focuses on video, and how non-digital natives can get the most out of the medium using nothing more than a smartphone.

Our expert guest Julian Mather has an incredibly varied background, having gone from being trained to shoot people with a rifle (army sniper) to shooting people with a camera.

Along the way, he became a Director of Photography at ABC-TV, as well as a professional magician, a period during which he established a successful Youtube channel generating 30 million video views and 140,000+ subscribers.

Today, Julian helps busy 40-60yr olds build trust and authority using smartphone video.

Julian's goal is to change how people think and feel about video, and he does it with unique content, storytelling, humour, practical tips ... and a bit of magic!

Julian encourages people to shrug off their insecurities when it comes to being in front of the camera.

He says:

"Anybody can learn this. So if you're out there listening to this and thinking, I just have so much trouble (doing video) ... I'm worried I'll forget what to say, I'm worried about what people will think of me. I've spent my whole career building a level of status, I don't want to be on video and make mistakes and have that go on the record and damage me: you're thinking in a 20th century mindset."

Julian and host Trevor Young discuss a range of video-related topics, including:

  • The power of authenticity ("You can't be a little bit authentic," says Julian. "You're either authentic or you're not authentic.") 

  • The smartphone advantage ("If you can make {a video} and get that to market faster than your competitors, you have a smartphone advantage.")

  • The perfection myth ("We think if we get on {camera} and we mess something up ... we don't want to do it because we think, oh, we'll mess up and people will talk about us. And the honest truth is - and you have to accept this - if you think that, you're conceited. I was conceited for those early years because I stopped myself getting on {camera} and just being authentic and being willing to make mistakes, because I thought people were going to talk about me.")

  • New rules, new tools ("... you need a new set of rules and you need a new set of tools, and within those new set of tools, I advocate using smartphones.") Julian also discusses cheap but effective ways to improve lighting and audio quality.