Three shared attributes of experts & thought leaders who are nailing their personal brand communications
Building a strong profile and reputation takes time and effort: these three key attributes will help sustain you over the journey
G’day, my name is Trevor Young and this is my newsletter about positioning ourselves to take advantage of the opportunities that come with being an active participant in today’s ‘Reputation Economy’. You can subscribe by clicking on this button:
I work closely with credible thought leaders and professional experts.
These individuals are active in putting themselves 'out there'.
They're strategically building their profile and reputation in the marketplace and thus, positioning themselves for the myriad benefits that come with being an active participant in today’s dynamic Reputation Economy.
Importantly, they're in it for the long haul. They are doing things in a sustainable manner, and as a result, are building personal brand momentum using a canny mix of owned media, social media and earned media.
I can say with a high degree of certainty these leaders and professionals share a number of common attributes.
Here are the main three:
More specifically, I call this having a ‘Digital Media Mindset’.
Embracing not just the opportunities that today’s technology provides us by way of content creation and amplifying our voice, but also the need to let go of perfection and not be afraid to experiment a bit.
My clients (and students) by and large are willing to push themselves in order to create the impact they’re after.
For some, it’s not a wholly comfortable experience.
But with encouragement, plus their own desire to share their message with the world, they just dig in and make it happen.
And guess what?
It gets easier.
The feedback you get is generally positive.
You become more proficient ‘on the tools’ - whether that be fronting a video, producing a podcast, being interviewed by the media, or simply posting to - and being active on - social media channels such as LinkedIn.
(Want to dig deeper into letting go of perfection and experimenting on social media? Check out this conversation)
Having a personal brand communications strategy to guide you can be a game-changer.
I’ve seen it time and time again that once people have a solid understanding of what they’re wanting to achieve - who their core audience is, and how they want to be positioned in the marketplace - then all of a sudden the shackles are off and the pathway forward becomes clear. This, in turn, generates a certain confidence in oneself.
The goal, of course, is to lay out your strategic approach. A plan. It doesn’t need to be over-cooked. Indeed, it shouldn’t be too complex, otherwise you’ll find yourself going around in circles again.
But, you need one. It’s worth putting in the effort and you’ll get off on the right footing.
(Set up a no-obligation Zoom call with me to discuss further how I might be able to help you develop your own personal brand communications strategy).
The third attribute that’s common to all (my clients and star students, that is) is that they take ACTION!
They prioritise the time required to make a difference, to put distance between themselves and their competitors on the social web, the stage, and in the media, whichever route/s you decide to take.
Make no mistake, it takes time to build your profile and grow your sphere of influence in a way that’s strategic, sustainable and respectful.
Despite what many so-called ‘gurus’ will tell you, there is no quick-hit formula.
If you don’t make the time to create content and connect with people on social media (and offline as well), then clearly building a credible personal brand is not a priority for you. And that’s fine, if that’s the case.
But hoping you’re going to grow your profile and reputation without putting in the hard yards - consistently, and with humility and purpose - then I’m pretty sure you’re going to be disappointed with the outcome.
I’ve just finished working with one client - the owner of a professional services firm and an expert in his own right - and in this year alone, he has:
adhered to a strategic content plan
regularly produced videos for LinkedIn and YouTube
co-hosted 23 podcast episodes of a podcast
appeared on national television
written articles for reputable business publications
been interviewed 20 times on radio about topical issues that showcased his expertise
All of this, pretty much from a standing start … and he still managed to run a thriving professional practice! How? Because he took … ACTION!
By all means, put in place a team to help you with creating content and other PR activities, but you can’t outsource your thinking, or the building of genuine relationships, both of which are vital if you want to build a credible thought leader brand.
(John Espirian has gone from being virtually ‘invisible’ professionally to creating a strong profile and reputation in the marketplace - check out his story » CASE STUDY: How B2B technical writer John Espirian built a personal brand that’s known, liked, trusted, and talked about in a positive way in the marketplace)
👋 I'm Trevor, founder & chief guide at Credible Authority Academy
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#PersonalBranding #ThoughtLeadership #ContentMarketing